1st Edition

4.5 star rating  2 Reviews

Editors: Augusto Di Gianfrancesco

Hardcover ISBN: 9780081005521

eBook ISBN: 9780081005583

Imprint: Woodhead Publishing

Published Date: 8th September 2016

Page Count: 900


About the Editor:

Augusto Di Gianfrancesco

Dr Augusto Di Gianfrancesco is a Materials & Technologies Consultant, Italy. He was based at Centro Sviluppo Materiali (CSM), Rome, Italy 1983 until 2014. He held Senior Metallurgist and Project Leader positions on “High Temperature Materials”. He was responsible for R&D activities on steels and superalloys for high temperature applications in power generation plants. He was also member of Management Committee of EU Program COST 522-536, co-founder of the European Creep Collaborative Committee and co-founder of the Italian Working Group on Creep Resistant Materials. In addition, he has been member of the International Board of the 5th, 6th & 7th EPRI International Conferences on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, METAL2013/4/5, the 6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction, and vice chairman of the 3rd ECCC Conference held 2014 in Rome. He is author and/or co-author of more than 280 technical reports and more than 100 papers presented in national and international conferences or magazines.

Affiliations and Expertise

Materials & Technologies Consultant, ItalyAuthors: A. Di Gianfrancesco (Consultant Italy), R. Blum (Consultant Denmark), F. Masuyama (Kyushu Inst. of Technology, Japan), J. Hald (TU Denmark), P.  Barnard (Doosan Babcock UK), S. Roberts (Goodwin Steel UK), G. Zeiler (Boehler Edelstahl Austria), G. Lucacci (C-Blade Italy), S. Sorrentino (FRO – Air Liquide Welding, Italy) , F. Abe (NIMS, Japan) , M. Spiegel (SZMF, Germany), P. Schraven (Salzgitter Mannessmann Stainless Tube, Germany) , U. Forsberg &,G. Chai (Sandvik Sweden) , J.De Barbadillo (Special Metals USA), K. Kruger (Haynes Int. USA), J. Klöwer (Outokumpu VDM Germany), J. Shingledecker (EPRI, USA), M. Fukuda (Sophia Univ. Japan), Zhengdong. LIU, China Iron and Steel Research Institute, China), Xishan Xie (Univ. of Science & Technology Beijing, China).